Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Employed population (15+ years old) by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini), sex and major economic activity (2001)

Bahraini Non-Bahrainis Total
males females total males females total males females total
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 763 54 817 1,430 22 1,452 2,193 76 2,269
Fishing 862 30 892 1,314 8 1,322 2,176 38 2,214
Mining and Quarrying 1,958 166 2,124 625 31 656 2,583 197 2,780
Manufacturing 9,606 3,925 13,531 33,127 3,321 36,448 42,733 7,246 49,979
Electricity, Gas and Water 1,270 82 1,352 1,151 12 1,163 2,421 94 2,515
Construction 4,061 351 4,412 21,908 98 22,006 25,969 449 26,418
Trades and Repairs 8,041 2,414 10,455 23,086 934 24,020 31,127 3,348 34,475
Restaurants and Hotels 2,020 427 2,447 9,181 1,465 10,646 11,201 1,892 13,093
Transport, Storage and Communications 8,230 1,070 9,300 3,391 1,078 4,469 11,621 2,148 13,769
Banks, insurance and finance 3,070 1,534 4,604 1,531 340 1,871 4,601 1,874 6,475
Real Estate and Business 4,143 1,076 5,219 10,516 478 10,994 14,659 1,554 16,213
Government, Defense, Foreign Affairs and Security 29,292 3,910 33,202 18,841 345 19,186 48,133 4,255 52,388
Educational Establishment 3,894 6,528 10,422 1,838 1,297 3,135 5,732 7,825 13,557
Hospital, Health Center, Clinic and Social Work 2,462 3,200 5,662 717 1,196 1,913 3,179 4,396 7,575
Community, Social and Personal Services 3,131 1,104 4,235 5,644 666 6,310 8,775 1,770 10,545
Households with Employed Persons 63 31 94 7,599 21,886 29,485 7,662 21,917 29,579
Regional and Inter-regional Organisations 118 49 167 1,493 447 1,940 1,611 496 2,107
Not Applicable* 1,936 116 2,052 3,212 163 3,375 5,148 279 5,427
Total 84,920 26,067 110,987 146,604 33,787 180,391 231,524 59,854 291,378

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain
*Includes population working abroad


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

census year reference period implementing institution implementation method population covered
1981 November 16 Ministry of Finance
Statistics Department
field interviews de jure, de facto all individuals (nationals and non-nationals): 1- present within the country’s borders during time of reference; 2- residing in Bahrain irrespective of where are they at census times
1991 April 6 Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) field interviews
2001 April 7 field interviews; characteristics of population in collective households (among which labour camps) was obtained from sponsors
2010 April 27 based on administrative records

Nationality of the person is defined by the passport used to enter the country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).
Period of reference for employment refers to the 7-days period prior to the survey.
Population of reference in table: all employed individuals (nationals and non-nationals) aged 15 and above
Employed population includes population in the following categories:
Employer: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession for trade and hires one or more employees.
Self-employed: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade and hires nobody.
Paid employee: A person who works for a public or private organization and receives regular wages / salary whether in cash or in kind.
Unpaid worker: A person works for an enterprise, usually owned by some of his relatives, without receiving a salary / wage
Classification of economic activity are encoded in line with the Standard Industrial Directory of Economic Activities (ISIC-Ver. 3.1) of United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), as noted by the CIO.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organisation” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.

3. Data availability

Figures and results reported here are available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
The CIO often provides its figures and estimates through tables in PDF format.
The 2001′ census figures for this table can be found: (
They can also be found in Statistical Abstract 2002, Labor Force section: (
General information on the classifications used under the CIO can be found: (
Information on the ISIC-Ver. 3.1 classification used under the CIO can be found: (

Date of access: July 2014

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