Legal module
Saudi Arabia - National Legal Framework
Labour Migration
- Saudi Arabia: Royal Decree No. M/51 issuing the Saudi Labor Law
- Saudi Arabia: Implementing Regulation of Saudi Labor Law
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/400 of 1428H/ 2007
- Saudi Arabia: Decision No. 310 of 1434 on Domestic Workers
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 2832 of 2006 /1427H on Overtime Hours
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 399 of 2007 / 1428H on Housing Conditions for Workers
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 2833 of 2006 / 1427H on Work Injuries
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 2836 of 2006 / 1427H on Working Hours
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/2835 of 2006 / 1427H on Complaints
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 4040 adopting Nitaqat Program
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/4687
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/5024
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/4985
- Saudi Arabia: Royal Decree M/1 issuing the Foreign Investment Law
- Saudi Arabia: Regulation on Recruitment Companies
- Saudi Arabia: Council of Ministers Decision No. 50 of 1994 on Saudisation
- Saudi Arabia: Implementing Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law
- Saudi Arabia: Royal Decree No. M/51 issuing the Saudi Labor Law as amended by Royal Decree No. M/46 issued on 05/06/1436H
- Saudi Arabia: Council of Ministers Decision No. 406 of 2012 Concerning Special Arrangements for the Children of Saudi Women Married to Foreigners
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 70273 of 1440 Issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Labour Law
- Saudi Arabia: Abolishment of the Yellow Band from the Nitaqat Program
- Saudi Arabia: Ministerial decision to raise the minimum wages for Saudis
- Saudi Arabia; Circular on Providing Domestic Labor Services Contracts Controls
- Saudi Arabia; Procedural Guide on the Decision to Localize Jazan Province
- Saudi Arabia; Guidelines for Nitaqat Mutawar Program
- Saudi Arabia; Executive Regulations of the Law of Protection from Abuse
- Saudi Arabia; Regulations for Sick Leave Reports
- Saudi Arabia; Rules and Arrangements Governing Employees and Workers
- Saudi Arabia; Regulations for Non-Saudis Employment in Public Positions
- Saudi Arabia: Regulations on Leaves
- Saudi Arabia: Regulation of Secondment
- Saudi Arabia: Labor Reform Initiative Services Guidebook
- Saudi Arabia: Procedural Guide for ending the contractual relationship
- Saudi Arabia: Civil Service Council’s Resolution Approving the Regulations
- Saudi Arabia: Cabinet Decision to amend the Labor Law 1189
- Saudi Arabia: The decision to ban working under the sun
- Saudi Arabia: Amending the Executive Regulations of the Labor Law 51848
- Saudi Arabia: Professional license required sales workers
- Saudi Arabia: Approve the launch of the contract documentation
- Saudi Arabia: Work Environment Requirements for the Security Guard Sector
- Saudi Arabia:Localization ratio for the operation and maintenance contracts
- Saudi Arabia:Protection Against Behavioral Aggression at Work
- Saudi Arabia: Decision to limit work in sales outlets in Al-Baha
- Saudi Arabia:Outsourcing the Employment of Saudis
- Saudi Arabia:Safety and Health of Juveniles at Workplace
- Saudi Arabia:Employment and work of persons with disabilities