UAE: The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates (1971)




UAE: The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates (1971)

Date of adoption



Entry into force


02 December 1971

Text versions






Art. 8 grants citizens of the UAE protection against losing their citizenship or having it withdrawn, except for exceptional situations, which shall be defined by law.

Art. 29 guarantees the freedom of movement and residence to citizens within the limits of the law.

Art. 34 prohibits the enslavement of any person.

Citizens may not be deported or expelled from the United Arab Emirates (Art. 37).

The extradition of citizens and political refugees is prohibited (Art. 38).

Foreigners in the United Arab Emirates shall enjoy the rights and freedoms granted to them in relevant international treaties or in the treaties and agreements to which the UAE is a signatory and they shall adhere to the corresponding duties (Art. 40).<