UAE; Rules and Guidelines to Deal with Work Injuries & Occupational Diseases

Title UAE; Rules and Guidelines to Deal with Work Injuries & Occupational Diseases
Date of conclusion 13/12//2022
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) English
Source Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), Ministerial Resolution
No. 657 of 2022 ; UAE (13 Dec 2022) accessed: 22 March 2023.
Keywords UAE; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

In April 2022, Decision No. 33 was published, which contains a list of diseases and disabilities classified as work injuries and occupational diseases, as well as the reporting procedure and compensation payable by the employer. This list is similar to the one attached to the repealed labour law. Ministerial Resolution No. 657 was subsequently published in December 2022, setting out the MOHRE’s employer requirements regarding work-related injuries and occupational diseases, including maintaining records, reporting incidents, adopting monitoring systems, and complying with compensation requirements.