UAE: Ministerial Resolution No. (591) of 2016 Concerning the Commitment of Establishments to Provide Accommodation to their Workers





UAE: Ministerial Resolution No. (591) of 2016 Concerning the Commitment of Establishments to Provide Accommodation to their Workers



Date of adoption


 30 May 2015

Entry into force


 01 September 2016 and 01 January 2017
Text versions English


– Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, United Arab Emirates, accessed: 06 September 2018,




In accordance with Article 1 of this decision, establishments employing 50 or more employees are required to provide accommodation to employees whose salary, under the Wages Protection System, is less than AED 2000. The quality of accommodation must be in line with regulatory standards, applying Ministerial Resolution 212 of 2014 for less than 500 workers, and Cabinet Decision No. 13 of 2009 for more than 500 workers.