UAE: Ministerial Decree No. 729 of 2017 on the Controls, Standards, and Classification of Establishments and Their Employees





UAE: Ministerial Decree No. 729 of 2017 on the Controls, Standards, and Classification of Establishments and Their Employees



Date of adoption


01 October 2017

Entry into force


01 December 2017

Text versions




– Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation, United Arab Emirates, accessed: 12April 2019,







In accordance with Art. 1 of this decision, workers of an established registered with the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation shall be classified as ‘skilled’ if they work in a job that requires having a qualification that is higher than a secondary school certificate.

If workers mentioned in Art. 1 fail to meet its requirements, then they shall be classified as “with limited skill” (Art. 2).

Articles 3 & 4 specify the criteria for the classification of establishments under categories 1 and 2.

Article 5 lists the conditions under which the Minister may issue a decree classifying any establishment under Category 3, if it is established that it has committed one or more of the violations listed in the article.