UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 779 of 1999 Amending Some Provisions of the Implementing Regulations of Federal Law No. 6 of 1973 Regarding the Entry and Residence of Foreigners





UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 779 of 1999 Amending Some Provisions of the Implementing Regulations of Federal Law No. 6 of 1973 Regarding the Entry and Residence of Foreigners



Date of adoption


24 November 1999

Entry into force


In effect

Text versions






This decision amends article 43 of the original Ministerial Decision No. 360 of 1997 issuing the Implementing Regulations of Federal Law No. 6 of 1973 on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners (Art. 1):

First: The following is added to the end of paragraph b: and those working in the public sector who do not fall into the categories of labourers.

Second: Paragraph c is replaced by the following: Family members of the categories listed in paragraphs a & b.

Third: Two new paragraphs d and e shall be added:

  1. Drivers sponsored by categories a and b when entering the country through land.
  2. Those accompanying GCC nationals including both family members and sponsored drivers and domestic workers.