UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 757 of 2006 Regarding the System for Obtaining an Establishment Card





UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 757 of 2006 Regarding the System for Obtaining an Establishment Card



Date of adoption



11 October 2006

(last amended by: MD 633 of 2008)



Entry into force


In effect

Text versions




Ministry of Labour, United Arab Emirates, accessed 11May 2015,





In accordance with Art. 2 (2) of this decision as amended by Ministerial Decision No. 633 of 2008, non-nationals who are authorized to work for another establishment that is registered with the Ministry, may become an owner or partner in another establishment, as long as he does not acquire a paid or unpaid position in that establishment without obtaining a permit from the Ministry first.


Art. 13 mandates the settlement of workers’ situation either through cancellation of sponsorship, transfer of sponsorship, or a commitment from the new owner of the establishment to allow them to work for him under the same conditions as a minimum.