UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 1188 of 2010




UAE: Ministerial Decision No. 1188 of 2010

Date of adoption


29 November 2010

Entry into force


01 January 2011

Text versions






Art. 2 lists the conditions that must be met in order to grant all the permits in this decision.

Art. 3 lists the categories which may be granted a temporary work permit or a permit to work part-time.

In accordance with Art. 4 the Ministry may grant a worker a temporary work permit without having the approval of the employer, or a valid residence and labour card if the employee has a pending case which has been referred to court by the Ministry.

A work permit may be granted to individuals whose residence is sponsored by their parents if they fall into any of the following categories (Art. 6):

  1. Females (18 years old)
  2. The husband of a national woman
  3. The children of a national woman

Art. 7 stipulates that a worker granted a permit in accordance with this decision, has the right to his dues in accordance with the labour law taking into consideration his pay and the periods for which he has worked.

Art. 9 requires establishments to bear the cost of issuing the permits and prohibits charging the worker for the expense of employing him or deducting it from his wages.