UAE: Federal Law No. 6 of 1973 on Entry and Residence of Aliens





UAE: Federal Law No. 6 of 1973 on Entry and Residence of Aliens



Date of adoption



25 July 1973

(last amended: 13 November 2007)



Entry into force


In effect

Text versions










A foreigner entering the country by virtue of a visa or an entry permit shall leave it upon expiry or cancellation unless he obtained a residence permit during that period. For citizens of countries exempted from the visa condition, they shall leave within thirty days of entry unless they have obtained a residence permit (Art. 12).

Every foreigner upon entering the country shall report to the Directorate General of Nationality and Residence or the police station in the region where he is living, within one week of entry. S/he shall give notice to the authorities in case of changing place of residence within a week (Art. 13).

Art. 17 as amended by Federal Law No. 13 of 1996:

The residence permit shall be issued for a period of three years, renewable upon expiry. The Director General of Nationality and Residence shall also issue a residence card. If lost, the foreigner shall report this to the Directorate.

In accordance with Art. 21 as amended by Federal Laws 7 of 1985 and 13 of 1996, every foreigner whose visa or residence permit has expired or been cancelled and who has failed to either renew it – if possible – or leave within a period of thirty days of its expiry, shall be liable to a fine of 100 Dirhams per each day of illegal stay in the country. In the case of newborn children, the period shall be extended to four months since birth. In case of non-payment of the fine, the infringer shall be incarcerated for three months or required to pay a fine of up to four thousand Dirhams. The Court may also order his deportation.

Chapter Six of this law deals with the deportation of foreigners.


The Minister of Interior may order the deportation of an alien, even if he is a holder of a residence permit if his deportation is part of a court judgment, or if he has no evident means to earn a living, or if it is considered by the Security authorities as required by public policy, security or morals (Art. 23). The deportation order may include members of the foreigner’s family who are supported by him (Art. 24).


Chapter Seven of this law deals with penalties.


Art. 34 (1) deals with the penalties imposed on sponsors of foreigners in various situations.