UAE: Council of Ministers Decision No. 4 of 1994 Regulating Foreign Workers’ Sponsorship of Family Members and Domestic Workers





UAE: Council of Ministers Decision No. 4 of 1994 Regulating Foreign Workers’ Sponsorship of Family Members and Domestic Workers



Date of adoption



Entry into force


01 September 1994

Text versions



–  Ministry of Labour, United Arab Emirates, accessed: 16 June 2015,





In accordance with Art. 1 of this decision, only the following categories of persons are allowed to sponsor the residence of family members:

Engineers; Doctors, pharmacists and nurses; Agricultural consultants; Qualified accountants and auditors; Teachers in all educational institutions; Policemen and members of the armed forces;

Technicians working with scientific electronic instruments and in laboratories; Advocates and lawyers; Employees in oil companies; Qualified managers; and Businessmen who are partners in companies with limited liability with a minimum share of 70,000 AED or equivalent to a third of the total share.

Sponsorship of family members for persons that fall into any of the categories listed in article 1 is contingent upon making a salary of 4000 Dirhams if his employer provides him with accommodation or 5000 Dirhams without accommodation (Art. 2)

Art. 3 defines family members as the wife, male children under the age of 18, and unmarried daughters.

Art. 4 relating to the right to sponsor a maid was deleted by Council of Ministers Decision No. 1/428 of 1995 ratifying the above decision.