UAE; Constitution Of Grievance Committee by MoHRE

Title UAE; Constitution Of Grievance Committee by MoHRE
Date of conclusion 03/02/2022
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) English
Source Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), Ministerial Decision
No. 45 of 2022 ; UAE (03 Feb 2022) accessed: 27 December 2022.
Last accessed: 27 December 2022
Keywords UAE; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

MoHRE constituted a grievances committee to address labour-related concerns. There shall be at least one monthly meeting of the grievance committee. The committee meetings are considered valid if most of its members are present. Within fifteen days of receiving a complaint or grievance, the Grievances Committee must make a decision. The committee will be comprised of a membership of representatives from the following organizational units; Labor Affairs Sector, Inspection Affairs Sector, Domestic Workers Sector, Financial Resource Department, Information Technology Department and Head of Litigation & Grievance Department as a member and rapporteur.