Kuwait: The Constitution of Kuwait



Kuwait: The Constitution of Kuwait
 Date of adoption


11 November 1962
 Entry into force


In effect
 Text versions  Arabic





Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council, accessed: 3 April 2013

Diwan of His Highness The Prime Minister of Kuwait, accessed: 3 April 2013





Migrant-relevant provisions can be found in the following articles:


Art. 26 holds that foreigners may not hold public offices except in cases specified by law.


Art. 29 guarantees the equality of all people in human dignity and in public rights and duties before the law, without distinction as to race, origin, language, or religion.


In Art. 30 personal liberty is guaranteed.


Art. 31 (1): “No person shall be arrested, detained, searched, or compelled to reside in a specified place, nor shall the residence of any person or his liberty to choose his place of residence or his liberty of movement be restricted, except in accordance with the provisions of the law. “

Art. 32 (2):  “No person shall be subjected to torture or degrading treatment.”


Art. 35: “Freedom of belief is absolute. The State protects the freedom of practicing religion in accordance with established customs, provided that it does not conflict with public policy or morals.”


Art. 36: “Freedom of opinion and of scientific research is guaranteed.  Every person has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law.”


Art. 39:  “Freedom of communication by post, telegraph, and telephone and the secrecy thereof is guaranteed; accordingly, censorship of communications and disclosure of their contents are not permitted except in the circumstances and manner specified by law. “


Art. 46 prohibits the extradition of political refugees.


Art. 49 requires all residents of Kuwait to observe public order and respect public morals.