Saudi Arabia: The Regulation on Marriage of Saudi Nationals to Non-Saudis





Saudi Arabia: The Regulation on Marriage of Saudi Nationals to Non-Saudis



Date of adoption



14 February 2002


Entry into force



In effect


Text versions






Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.






This regulation was issued by Ministerial Decision No. 6874.


Art. 1 lists the categories of Saudi nationals (male and female) who may not marry a non-Saudi.


Art. 2 permits Saudi nationals (excluding the categories of persons listed in article 1) to marry nationals of Arab and Islamic countries upon obtaining the approval of the Minister of Interior in accordance with legal provisions.


Art. 3 permits Saudi nationals (excluding the categories of persons listed in article 1) to marry other GCC nationals upon obtaining approval from Saudi representative offices abroad.


Art. 6 allows the marriage between a Saudi national and a non-Saudi national on the condition that the latter is not undesirable for reasons relating to his/her personality or nationality or religion. This includes individuals who hold beliefs not approved by Islamic Sharia’.


Art. 9 establishes as one of the consequences of violating this regulation, the denial of entry to the foreign spouse and the termination of their residence within the Kingdom.


The Minister of Interior may still approve a marriage concluded in violation of article 2 (Art. 10).