Saudi Arabia; Rules and Arrangements Governing Employees and Workers

Title Saudi Arabia; Rules and Arrangements Governing Employees and Workers
Date of conclusion 01/06/2021
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) English
Source Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), Ministerial
Resolution No. 616 2021; Saudi Arabia (01 Jun 2021)
Accessed: 04 April 2023.
Keywords Saudi Arabia; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development issued guideline. These will be applicable to Saudi employees and workers of agencies affected by a transformation decision or privatization. When a transformation decision is issued by the concerned agency and in consultation with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, appropriate and equitable mechanisms and criteria for the selection of employees and workers for the transformation shall be established. These mechanisms and criteria must be transparent in nature.