Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/4687




Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/4687


 Date of adoption


 16 October 2011
 Entry into force


 In effect


 Text versions  Arabic




The Ministry of Labor – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, accessed: 20 January 2014,





Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Laws & Regulations, Labour Market, Nationals & Foreign Labor, Nationalisation Work Force


Without prejudice to the program for encouraging establishments to nationalize jobs “Nitaqat”, each employer who has nine or less employees and whose establishment does not fall under the Nitaqat program must employ at least one Saudi National. The Saudi National must be registered in the Social Insurances program and must not be included in another establishment’s nationalization percentage. The employer may be considered as an employee in the establishment if s/he is not included in another establishment’s nationalization percentage. Moreover, any of the partners in a company may be considered as an employee so long as s/he is registered with the Social Insurances program and is not included in another establishment’s nationalization percentage (Art. 1).


All Ministry services, excluding the renewal of work permits, shall be ceased for establishments that do not abide by this decision (Art. 2)