Saudi Arabia: Council of Ministers Decision No. 50 of 1994 on Saudisation





Saudi Arabia: Council of Ministers Decision No. 50 of 1994 on Saudisation



Date of adoption


 27 September 1994

Entry into force



In effect


 Text versions  Arabic



 – The Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, accessed: 20 June 2014,






Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Laws & Regulations, Saudisation


This decision contains a number of recommendations for replacing foreign labour with national labour.

In accordance with art. 1, all establishments must seek to attract nationals, hire them and ensure they continue their employment.

Art. 2 requires each establishment that employees twenty or more people to increase the percentage of its Saudi employees by no less than 5% of its total employees each year.

The aforementioned percentage shall be adjusted according to the availability of national manpower and the nature and circumstances of the work and the percentage of Saudi employees for any establishment, activity or area (Art. 3).

Establishments must seek to meet the percentage by hiring national manpower from various professional categories (Art. 4).

Art. 6 lists the penalties for establishments that fail to follow the above rules.