Saudi Arabia: Civil Service Council’s Resolution Approving the Regulations

Title Saudi Arabia: Civil Service Council’s Resolution Approving the Regulations
Date of conclusion 20/09/2020
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) English
Source Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), Council
Resolution No. 97 of 2020: Saudi Arabia (20 Sep 2020)
Accessed: 15 April 2023.
Keywords Saudi Arabia; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

The Civil Service Council has approved regulations for those appointed under the wages system in administrative entities, with the provisions taking effect on July 1, 2021. The Ministry of Civil Service and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development will now be referred to as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. And the respective ministers will also be replaced with the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development in all relevant laws, regulations, orders, royal decrees, and decisions.