Saudi Arabia: Cabinet Decision to amend the Labor Law 1189

Title Saudi Arabia: Cabinet Decision to amend the Labor Law 1189
Date of conclusion 26/08/2020
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) English
Source Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), Minister’s
Office, No/ 6989 2020: Saudi Arabia (26 Aug 2020)
Accessed: 30April 2023.
Keywords Saudi Arabia; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development amended labour law to remove two articles and add a new one to specify hazardous professions and jobs, and prohibit certain categories of workers from being employed in them or only allowing employment under special conditions. Article 186 will also be amended to prohibit persons under the age of 18 from being employed in mines or quarries.