Saudi Arabia: Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law





Saudi Arabia: Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law


Date of adoption



13 June 2009


Entry into force



5 November 2009


Text versions







Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bureau of Experts at The Council of Ministers, accessed: 14 September 2013 (Arabic),

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bureau of Experts at The Council of Ministers, accessed: 14 September 2013 (English).






Royal Decree No issued this law. M/40.


Art. 1 defines the terms “trafficking in persons”, “transnational crime”, “organized crime groups”, and “child”. Trafficking in persons is defined as: “Use, recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of a person for the purpose of exploitation.”


Art. 2 prohibits any act of trafficking in persons and elaborates on the nature of such acts.


Art. 3 sets the penalty for committing an act of trafficking in persons which shall not exceed fifteen years of imprisonment or a fine of one million Riyals or both.


Art. 4 enumerates the cases in which the penalty imposed shall be made harsher.


Art. 5 considers the consent of victims to be irrelevant in any of the crimes covered by this law.


Art. 6 sets the penalty for interfering with an investigation into trafficking in persons which shall not exceed five years of imprisonment or a fine of two hundred thousand Riyals or both.


Art. 7 requires any person who becomes aware of the commission or the intent to commit a crime under this law to notify the competent authorities immediately. Failing to do so will be punished by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine of up to one hundred thousand Riyals or both.


Articles 8 through 13 (excluding Art. 11) are punitive.


Art. 11 grants the competent court the authority to confiscate items used, prepared for use in or resulting from trafficking in persons. This includes private property, luggage and tools and any other items.


Art. 14 states that the penalties provided for under this law shall not prejudice harsher penalties provided for under other laws.


Art. 15 lists the measures that shall be taken with regards to victims of trafficking in persons during investigation and prosecution.