Qatar: Ministerial Decision No. 15 of 2017 Regarding the Establishment of a National Committee for Combatting Human Trafficking





Qatar: Ministerial Decision No. 15 of 2017 Regarding the Establishment of a National Committee for Combatting Human Trafficking



Date of adoption



08 March 2017



Entry into force


 13 March 2017

Text versions



– Official Journal Issue No. 3 (2017), p. 82. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 06 May 2017, retrieved from:






Art. 4 of this decision defines the role of the committee as a national coordinator for the purpose of monitoring and combatting human trafficking through coordination with relevant authorities. This is to be accomplished through the following activities:

1.     Setting the national plan for combatting human trafficking, and setting up programs and mechanisms for its implementation in coordination with the relevant authorities.

2.     Establishing a database that contains international agreements on human trafficking and relevant studies on the subject.

3.     Reviewing relevant national legislation and ensuring its compliance with international agreements ratified by the country.

4.     Preparing and publishing a yearly report on the country’s efforts to combat and monitor human trafficking

5.     Studying international and regional reports on combatting and monitoring human trafficking and taking necessary actions.

6.     Coordinating with relevant authorities to provide protection and support to victims of human trafficking, which includes coordination of the protection and rehabilitation program for helping victims.

7.     Raising awareness on human trafficking by holding conferences and symposiums and preparing pamphlets and training programs in order to achieve the objectives of the committee.

8.     Exchanging information and expertise with Arab, regional and international committees for combatting human trafficking and establishing strong ties with them.

9.     Participating along with relevant authorities in international conferences and forums on combatting human trafficking.

10.  Undertaking any tasks assigned to the committee related to combatting human trafficking.