Qatar: Law No. 15 of 2016 Issuing the Civil Human Resources Law





Qatar: Law No. 15 of 2016 Issuing the Civil Human Resources Law



Date of adoption



06 November 2016



Entry into force


 23 November 2016

Text versions



 –       Official Journal Issue No. 13 (2016), p. 4. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 05 March 2016, retrieved from:






Art. 2 of this law defines its scope of application to include civil employees working at ministries, other governmental bodies and entities, and public institutions. A number of categories listed in this article are excluded.

Art. 13 lists the conditions that must be met by those who are appointed to positions under this law. Of particular interest is the first condition, which requires the appointee to be a Qatari national. If unavailable then first priority is given to children of a Qatari woman married to a non-Qatari, then to the non-Qatari spouse of a Qatari national, second priority to GCC citizens, third priority to citizens of Arab countries and finally to other nationalities.

Art. 18 stipulates that the appointment of a non Qatari employee shall be in accordance with the guide describing and categorizing public positions. The governmental entity may, in accordance to the demands of public interest grant him an exceptional raise so long as his total salary does not exceed the maximum amount listed in table No. 2 annexed to this law.

The governmental entity shall bear the costs of travel tickets for a non-Qatari employee in accordance with the conditions and regulations set by the implementing regulation of this law (Art. 29).

The costs of preparing and transporting the body of a non-Qatari employee who passes away during his service to his country of origin, as well as the travel costs for one of his parents living inside or outside of Qatar to accompany the body, shall be borne by the government entity which employed him (Art. 116).

The end of service gratuity for a non-Qatari employee shall be calculated on the basis of repealed law No. 10 of 1994 for the period preceding the law’s coming into effect and on the basis of the last basic salary received by the employee on 31/3/1994 (Art. 119).