Qatar: Decision No. 32 of 2016 Issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Civil Human Resources Law





Qatar: Decision No. 32 of 2016 Issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Civil Human Resources Law



Date of adoption



27 November 2016



Entry into force



29 December 2016


Text versions





–       Official Journal Issue No. 15 (2016), p. 107. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 05 March 2016, retrieved from:






Art. 20 of the implementing regulations sets the monthly housing allowance for Qatari employees working in the public sector. A non-Qatari national, who is not assigned housing by his employer, shall be granted the allowance agreed upon in his work contract in accordance with the limits, categories and stipulations of this article, which may not be exceeded. Housing allowance for craftsmen and laborers is set at 800 Riyals per month.

Art. 24 deals with allowances for representation at official assignments abroad. The allowance for a non-Qatari craftsman or laborer is set at 300 Riyal per day and 1500 Riyal per day if no accommodation is provided.

A business travel ticket shall be provided for a non-Qatari employee on an official assignment if his work contract stipulates that he is entitled to a business or first class yearly travel ticket (Art. 25).

Art. 36 provides for a one-time furniture allowance for Qatari employees in accordance with his family status. A non-Qatari employee may be granted a similar allowance if agreed upon in his work contract.

A non-Qatari employee’s dependents may be entitled to travel tickets only if they reside in Qatar or are coming to Qatar for the purpose of residence (Art. 40).

In accordance with Art. 41, non-Qatari employees whose work contract does not provide for travel tickets may be entitled to economy tickets for the employee, his wife and three of his children who are 18 years old or younger if they are grade five employees or higher. Employees from lower grades are entitled to one economy ticket for the employee only. The non-Qatari employee and his family may ask for the cash equivalent of the tickets.


If a non-Qatari couple is employed by more than one governmental entity then the other spouse is entitled to a ticket only once (Art. 42).