Qatar: Law No. 11 of 2018 Regarding Political Asylum





Qatar: Law No. 11 of 2018 Regarding Political Asylum



Date of adoption


 04 September 2018

Entry into force


 22 October 2018

Text versions



–  Official Journal Issue No. 15 (21 October, 2018), p. 9. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 08 May 2019, retrieved from:



In Accordance with Art. 3, the following categories may not be granted political asylum:

1.     A person who has committed serious non-political crimes outside Qatar.

2.     A person who has committed war crimes or crimes against humanity as defined by international agreements.

3.     A person who has committed acts which contravene the principles and goals of the United Nations.

4.     A person who holds more than one nationality, is protected by one of them, and has no valid reason to fear for his/her safety.


Art. 9 lists the privileges and rights granted to political refugees:

1.     Travel document is granted.

2.     Employment opportunity is provided.

3.     A monthly stipend until employment commences.

4.     Healthcare.

5.     Education.

6.     Housing.

7.     Freedom of worship

8.     Freedom of movement and travel.

9.     The right to judicial access.

Political refugees may also be permitted to bring along their spouse and first degree family members.