Qatar: Law No. 10 of 2018 Regarding Permanent Residence





Qatar: Law No. 10 of 2018 Regarding Permanent Residence



Date of adoption



04 September 2018


Entry into force



22 October 2018


Text versions



 –    Official Journal Issue No. 15 (21 October, 2018), p. 3. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 08 May 2019, retrieved from:




Article 1 of this law lists the conditions that need to be met by non-Qataris for them to be eligible for permanent residence in Qatar:

1.    Having legally resided in Qatar for twenty years if born outside of Qatar and ten years if born in Qatar.

2.    Having an income that meets his needs and those of his dependents.

3.    Having a good record and reputation and no prior conviction both in and outside of Qatar.

4.    Having sufficient knowledge of the Arabic language.


As an exception to the previous article, the following categories of non-Qataris may be granted a permanent residence permit (Art. 2):

1.    The children of a Qatari woman married to a non-Qatari.

2.    The non-Qatari husband of a Qatari woman.

3.    The non-Qatari wife of a Qatari man.

4.    The children of individuals who have acquired Qatari citizenship.

5.    Individuals who have offered special service to the country.

6.    Individuals with special qualifications needed in Qatar.


In accordance with Art. 4, only one hundred individuals may be granted permanent residence permits every year.


Without prejudice to the provisions of Law No. 21 of 2015, a holder of a permanent residence permit may exit and re-enter the country while his permit is valid without obtaining permission to do so (Art. 5).


The holder of a permanent residence card may be entitled to treatment and education in governmental institutions, subject to conditions and provisions to be determined by a decision of the Council of Ministers (Art. 6).


The spouse and children below the age of eighteen of the holder of a permanent residence card may receive the same privileges of residence, healthcare, and education according to the provisions of this law.

The Minister of Interior may exempt male children who have not completed their University Education up to age 25 and unmarried female children from the age restriction set in the previous paragraph (Art. 7).