Qatar: Decree No. 18 of 2014 Ratifying the Agreement Between the Governments of Qatar and Macedonia Regulating the Employment of Macedonian Workers in the State of Qatar



Qatar: Decree No. 18 of 2014 Ratifying the Agreement Between the Governments of Qatar and Macedonia Regulating the Employment of Macedonian Workers in the State of Qatar


 Date of conclusion


07 May 2014
 Entry into force


27 May 2014
 Text versions Arabic


–  Official Journal Issue No. 9 (27 May 2014) p. 14. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 10 August 2015,





The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the recruitment of Tunisian workers in Qatar.

Art. 3 requires the Qatari Ministry of Labour and the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to forward requests submitted to them by employers in Qatar to hire Macedonian workers to which the latter Ministry shall respond.

Art. 4 stipulates that requests must include all pertinent information necessary to enable the worker to make an informed decision about the employment offer. This includes working conditions, wages, end of service rewards…etc.

According to Art. 8 of the agreement, the employer must bear all travel expenses incurred by the worker when travelling from Macedonia to Qatar and back at the end of the contract, as well as the costs of travelling to Macedonia and back to Qatar when on leave. The employer is exempt from paying the return costs if the worker resigns before the end of his contract or he is fired for committing an error without being given a warning or receiving end of service benefits in accordance with Qatari Labour law.

Individual employment contracts must regulate the hiring of Macedonian workers in Qatar. The contract must follow the template provided in this agreement. The basic working conditions including the rights and obligations of each party must be defined in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the requirements of the Qatari Labour Law (Art. 9).

Art. 15 grants Macedonian workers the right to remit to Macedonia any of their savings in accordance with Qatari financial laws.

Art. 16 requires the establishment of a Joint Committee which shall have the following functions: coordinate between the governments of Qatar and Macedonia, resolve any disputes arising under the agreement, and review available positions.