Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 640 of 1987 issuing the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 17/1959 on the Residence of Foreigners





Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 640 of 1987 issuing the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 17/1959 on the Residence of Foreigners



Date of adoption



14 November 1987


Entry into force



3 January 1988



Text versions






  • Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 1752 (3 January 1988), p. 45. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database







The implementing regulations for the law on the stay of foreigners (Law No. 17/1959) are divided into a number of chapters.


Chapter III – Notification of Authorities


Art. 11 requires foreigners to report the birth of their children to the Immigration Authority in the province where they are residing within two months of the birthdate.


Chapter IV – Residence


Art. 12 allows a foreigner who has entered the country on a visa issued in accordance with Art. 5 paragraphs 1,2,3,4,5,6 to remain in the country without a residence permit for two months during which he has to initiate the residence procedures.


Art. 14 covers the conditions and procedures for granting a foreigner temporary residence.


Art. 15 stipulates that regular residence may be granted for a maximum of five years renewable upon request one month prior to its expiry.


Art. 16 lists the cases in which a visit visa can be turned into regular residence.


Chapter VI covers general provisions.