Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 51 of 1982 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Practice Certain Professions in the State of Kuwait





Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 51 of 1982 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Practice Certain Professions in the State of Kuwait


Date of adoption



15 December 1982


Entry into force



1 March 1983


Text versions






–          Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 1450 (15 December 1982), p. 3. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database







Citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) can register to practice any of the following professions in the State of Kuwait (Art. 1):

  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Accounting
  • Engineering
  • Consultancies (Administrative, Economic, Agricultural, Industrial, Technical)


GCC citizens have to obtain the proper registration and license required of Kuwaiti citizens before they can practice these professions (Art. 2).