Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 502 of 1993 concerning Stay of Foreigners





Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 502 of 1993 concerning Stay of Foreigners



Date of adoption



21 July 1993


Entry into force



25 July 1993



Text versions






  • Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 113 (25 July 1993), p. 20. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database







Art. 1 sets the fees for granting regular residence to a worker’s dependants.


  1. The Government Sector: a dependant’s residence visa for the wife of a governmental employee and three of his children whose salary is no less than 450 KD costs 10 KD per year. If he has more than three children, then he must pay a yearly fee of 100 KD for each additional child for the first year only and the renewal cost is 10 KD for each additional child. If the dependant is a family member other than a wife or child then he must pay a yearly fee of 200 KD per person.


  1. The Private Sector: a dependant’s residence visa for the wife of a private sector employee and two of his children whose salary is no less than 650 KD costs 100 KD per family member for the first year and 10 KD in the following years. If he has more than two children, then he must pay a yearly fee of 200 KD for the first year for each additional child and 10 KD per year in the following years. If the dependant is a family member other than a wife or child then he must pay a yearly fee of 200 KD per person.


Articles 2 and 3 set the fees for the residence visas of private help.