Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 44 of 1983 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Practice Crafts in the State of Kuwait



Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 44 of 1983 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Practice Crafts in the State of Kuwait
 Date of adoption


 15 January 1984
 Entry into force


 1 March 1984


 Text versions  Arabic




–          Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 1516 (15 January 1984), p. 16. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database






Craftsmen who are citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are permitted to practice their craft in the State of Kuwait (Art. 1).


Craftsmen who wish to practice their craft in Kuwait must have the necessary qualification and permanently reside in Kuwait. The must also practice the craft themselves (Art. 2).


GCC citizens must obtain the necessary registration and license required of Kuwaiti citizens to practice the craft (Art. 3).