Kuwait: Ministerial Decision No. 7 of 1988 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Engage in Freelance Work in the State of Kuwait





Kuwait: Ministerial Decision No. 7 of 1988 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Engage in Freelance Work in the State of Kuwait



Date of adoption



18 February 1988


Entry into force



6 March 1988



Text versions






–          Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 1762 (6 March 1988), p. 14. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database







Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens are permitted to practice the following professions in the State of Kuwait (Art. 1):

  1. Translation
  2. Surveying
  3. Soil Examination
  4. Computer analysis, operation and programming


Art. 2 permits GCC citizens to practice the aforementioned professions in accordance with a number of provisions listed in this article. The provisions are also applicable to all other freelance professions approved by the Higher Council.