Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 399 of 2007 / 1428H on Housing Conditions for Workers





Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 399 of 2007 / 1428H on Housing Conditions for Workers



Date of adoption



19 February 2007


Entry into force



In effect



Text versions






The Ministry of Labor – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, accessed: 20 January 2014,




Keywords: Saudi Arabia; Laws & Regulations; Labour Migration; Living Conditions


Art. 2 sets out the health conditions that must be taken into consideration when choosing adequate locations for constructing workers’ housing. These include being located in an environment that is pollutant free and that is well connected to transportation routes and public service facilities.


Art. 3 lists the specifications of each housing unit including room sizes, facilities, and ventilation.


Art. 4 lists the specifications for shared accommodation units.


In accordance with Art. 5, the employer is required to ensure that each housing unit is permanently equipped with fresh water, a sewage system and a garbage disposal system.


Employers are required to equip workers’ housing with the basic equipment needed for adequate living and proportionate to the needs of the number of persons inhabiting the unit (Art. 6).


Art. 7 deals with hygiene requirements and pest and rodent control.


Art. 8 sets the requirement for making fire prevention arrangements.


Employers are required to ensure that workers’ housing units are not used as temporary or permanent storage for hazardous, flammable or explosive materials (Art. 9).


Art. 10 requires the employer to equip housing facilities located far from public service facilities with first aid and emergency materials and equipment as well as provide transportation modes to the nearest healthcare facility to be available round the clock.


Art. 13 prohibits employers from charging workers for housing and related services.


Art. 16 sets the conditions and requirements for meals served to workers.