Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/2835 of 2006 / 1427H on Complaints



Saudi Arabia: Ministerial Decision No. 1/2835 of 2006 / 1427H on Complaints


 Date of adoption


 2 October 2006
 Entry into force


 In effect


 Text versions  Arabic




–          The Ministry of Labor – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, accessed: 20 January 2014,





Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Laws & Regulations, Labour Rights


This decision is in implementation of Art. 220 of the Labour Law (Royal Decree M/51).


Complaints shall be submitted to the Labour Office responsible for the territory in which the workplace is located (Art. 1).


The complaint document must include the name of the complainant, his address, his demands backed up by regular documents, and the name of the defendant and his address (Art. 2).


The Complaints department at the Labour Office shall set up an appointment for both complainant and defendant within a week of the date on which the complaint was submitted (At. 3).


The defendant shall be informed of the date of the appointment in accordance with followed procedures at the Office (Art. 4).


If the defendant fails to appear for the appointment, the hearing shall be rescheduled within one week of the initial hearing. If he fails to appear again then the Office shall request his appearance through the police. If he still fails to appear then all dealing with him shall be suspended and the complaints shall be referred to the competent primary authority (Art. 5).


If both parties appear, then the investigator shall attempt to reach an amicable settlement based on the demands of the plaintiff and the responses of the defendant. The investigator shall determine which of these demands is regular and convince the defendant to meet them and which of these demands is irregular and convince the plaintiff to withdraw them (Art. 6).


The investigator shall issue a report of the attempt to settle and show the amicable settlement to both plaintiff and defendant and document their responses to it (Art. 7).


If both parties accept the amicable settlement presented to them by the investigator then this shall be documented in the form of a final and binding settlement from which neither party can withdraw (Art. 8).