Qatar: Law No. 21 0f 1989 regulating marriage to foreigners





Qatar: Law No. 21 0f 1989 regulating marriage to foreigners



Date of adoption



25 December 1989

Last amended: 17 March 2005



Entry into force



In force


Text versions







–  Official Journal Issue No. 16 (01 January 1989) p. 620. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 21 July 2013.







This law sets out the conditions under which Qatari men and women are permitted to marry a foreigner.


Article 6 of this law gives the children of a Qatari woman married to a foreigner the right to reside in Qatar as long as their Qatari mother is residing in the country. Children who are still minors may be granted a Qatari passport and all children are to receive the treatment of Qatari nationals with regards to education, treatment and jobs. Moreover, adult children will be given the priority to acquire Qatari nationality.