Qatar: Law no. 17 of 2004 regarding the Organization of Ownership and Use of Real Estate and Residential Units by non-Qataris





Qatar: Law no. 17 of 2004 regarding the Organization of Ownership and Use of Real Estate and Residential Units by non-Qataris



Date of adoption



6 June 2004


Entry into force



6 September 2004


Text versions







Official Journal Issue No. 8 (09 June 2004) p. 326. Retrieved from: Al-Meezan – Qatar Legal Portal, accessed: 8 February 2013.








Art. 3 stipulates that a non-Qatari may own real estate in the following locations: the Pearl of the Gulf Island, the West Bay Lagoon Project, and Al Khor Resort Project.


In accordance with Art. 4, a non-Qatari may have the right of usufruct over real estate for a term of ninety nine years renewable for another term, in Investment Areas which shall be determined by a Council of Ministers’ decision and in accordance with the conditions and procedures set by that decision


Without prejudice to the provisions of the aforementioned Law for Leasing Premises and Buildings, a non-Qatari may have the right of usufruct in respect of one residential unit or more in residential areas for a term not exceeding ninety nine years, renewable for another term, in accordance with the conditions and procedures determined by a Council of Ministers’ decision (Art. 5).