Kuwait: Law No. 16 of 1960 promulgating the Penal Code





Kuwait: Law No. 16 of 1960 promulgating the Penal Code


Date of adoption



2 June 1960

Last amended by Law No. 84/ 2003



Entry into force



In effect


Text versions






Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council, last accessed: 18 August 2013






Art. 79 grants judges the authority to order the deportation of every foreigner sentenced to imprisonment once his sentence is served, without prejudice to the right of the administrative authority to deport any foreigner in accordance with the law.


If the foreigner is sentenced for a felony or is sentenced to imprisonment for committing a crime against honor or integrity then the judge must order his deportation once his sentence is served.


The Attorney General must thereafter inform the Administrative Authority of the judge’s deportation order and the latter must carry it out.