Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 45 of 1983 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Engage in Economic Activity





Kuwait: Ministerial Order No. 45 of 1983 concerning Allowing GCC Citizens to Engage in Economic Activity



Date of adoption



15 January 1984


Entry into force



1 March 1984



Text versions






–          Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm, Official Journal Issue No. 1516 (15 January 1984), p. 16. Retrieved from: International Organization for Migration – The Migration Agency, Migration Law Database







Citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are permitted to engage in economic activity in the areas of establishing and working in the hotel and restaurant business (Art. 1).


GCC citizens are permitted to engage in economic activity in the field of maintenance for activities they are permitted to engage in (Art. 2).


The contribution of GCC citizens to the capital of companies established in Kuwait to practice the aforementioned activities may reach up to 75% (Art. 3).