Kuwait: Ministerial Decision No. 2302 of 2016 Issuing the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 68 of 2015 on Domestic Workers





Kuwait: Ministerial Decision No. 2302 of 2016 Issuing the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 68 of 2015 on Domestic Workers



Date of adoption


10 July 2016

Entry into force


 24  July 2016

Text versions



–   ILO Natlex, retrieved from:https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/natlex4.detail?p_lang=en&p_isn=106450&p_country=KWT&p_count=295&p_classification=22.15&p_classcount=4







In accordance with Article 1 of this decision, the condition for issuing or renewing the permit for offices recruiting foreign domestic workers is to submit a bank guarantee from one of the local banks worth KD 40,000, which should be valid for two years from the date of submission.

The condition for issuing or renewing the permit for companies recruiting foreign domestic workers is to submit a bank guarantee from one of the local banks worth KD 100,000 (in cases where the company has other branches, an additional KD 40,000 shall be paid for each branch), which should be valid for two years from the date of submission.

The work contracts for recruited foreign domestic workers mentioned in article 18 of Law No. 68 of 2015 shall be concluded using the form annexed to this decision (Art. 2).

The basic wage of the domestic worker shall be no less than KD 60 monthly (Art. 3).

Article 4 lays out the procedures for resolving conflicts between the parties to the domestic worker recruitment contract.

Article 5 lists the fees of permits for recruiting domestic workers.