Kuwait: Law No. 11 of 1962 regarding Passports



Kuwait: Law No. 11 of 1962 regarding Passports
 Date of adoption



Last amended by: Law No. 105 of 1994


 Entry into force


In effect
 Text versions  Arabic



Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council, accessed: 9 May 2013





Art. 14 of this law allows for including the wife and children of a Kuwaiti national in his passport.


Art. 15 prohibits issuing an independent passport to the wife of a Kuwaiti national without her husband’s consent. Constitutional Court Verdict No. 256 of 2008 pronounced this article unconstitutional.[1]


Art. 17 allows for issuing non-Kuwaitis working for the government a Kuwaiti passport in order to enable them carry out their duties abroad if needed.


A non-Kuwaiti woman married to a Kuwaiti national may be issued a passport upon her husband’s request if they have been married for five years and she has not been convicted of an honor-related or security-related crime. The Minister of Interior is to determine the conditions for receiving the passport.



[1] Fahed M. Al-Anzi, “Does the wife of a Kuwaiti national have the right to get a passport issued based on Constitutional Court Verdict No. 256 of 2008?” Kuwait National Assembly, [last accessed: 15 Aug 2013].