Employed population by nationality (Qatari/non-Qatari), age group, sex and employment status (2010)

  Non-paid family worker Employee Own account worker Employer  Total
  Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total
15 – 24 7 2 9 8.897 3.783 12.680 7 0 7 147 55 202 9.058 3.840 12.898
25 – 34 6 0 6 15.590 10.191 25.781 40 0 40 288 96 384 15.924 10.287 26.211
35 – 44 2 2 4 11.778 7.689 19.467 40 0 40 361 135 496 12.181 7.826 20.007
45 – 54 4 0 4 6.361 2.612 8.973 28 0 28 380 72 452 6.773 2.684 9.457
55 – 64 0 0 0 1.633 242 1.875 21 0 21 171 10 181 1.825 252 2.077
65 – 74 0 0 0 198 19 217 6 0 6 99 0 99 303 19 322
75 +  0 0 0 37 0 37 5 0 5 62 0 62 104 0 104
All ages  19 4 23 44.494 24.536 69.030 147 0 147 1.508 368 1.876 46.168 24.908 71.076


    Non-paid Family Worker     Employee     Own Account Worker     Employer      Total  
  Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total
15 – 24 0 0 0 144.628 15.159 159.787 221 1 222 27 8 35 144.876 15.168 160.044
25 – 34 0 0 0 415.357 63.166 478.523 673 13 686 148 38 186 416.178 63.217 479.395
35 – 44 1 0 1 329.030 33.283 362.313 391 9 400 142 37 179 329.564 33.329 362.893
45 – 54 2 0 2 140.727 13.630 154.357 219 5 224 127 16 143 141.075 13.651 154.726
55 – 64 0 0 0 35.121 2603 37.724 111 0 111 104 3 107 35.336 2606 37.942
65 – 74 0 0 0 3444 162 3606 34 0 34 39 0 39 3517 162 3679
75 +  0 0 0 415 1 416 5 0 5 7 0 7 427 1 428
All ages  3 0 3 1.068.722 128.004 1.196.726 1654 28 1682 594 102 696 1.070.973 128.134 1.199.107


  Non-paid family worker Employee Own account worker Employer  Total
  Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total Males  Females Total
15 – 24 7 2 9 153.525 18.942 172.467 228 1 229 174 63 237 153.934 19.008 172.942
25 – 34 6 0 6 430.947 73.357 504.304 713 13 726 436 134 570 432.102 73.504 505.606
35 – 44 3 2 5 340.808 40.972 381.780 431 9 440 503 172 675 341.745 41.155 382.900
45 – 54 6 0 6 147.088 16.242 163.330 247 5 252 507 88 595 147.848 16.335 164.183
55 – 64 0 0 0 36.754 2845 39.599 132 0 132 275 13 288 37.161 2858 40.019
65 – 74 0 0 0 3642 181 3823 40 0 40 138 0 138 3820 181 4001
75 +  0 0 0 452 1 453 10 0 10 69 0 69 531 1 532
All ages  22 4 26 1.113.216 152.540 1.265.756 1.801 28 1.829 2.102 470 2.572 1.117.141 153.042 1.270.183

Source: census 2010, QSA





1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Reference period for census 2010: the night of April 21st, 2010.

Implementation method: census is based on de jure method; i.e. registering people according to their usual place of residence at time of census.

Populations in transit or visiting Qatar as tourists, as well as residents of public housing or visitors staying in a household for less than two months after night of reference were excluded.

Populations away from usual residence in Qatar for reasons of duty, or on a visit abroad for less than two months, as well as individuals with no personal housing within Qatar staying with a household for more than two months, are counted in their usual/ present residence during census night.

Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within the State’s borders during time of reference, including in labour camps.


Data related to work force include individuals of 15 years old or more (born before April 1995) and refer to the week preceding the enumeration period.


The employed population here also includes paid trainees.

Employed: The person (15 years or older) engaged in work or who works for profit, whether for his own account, for wages or for a family without being paid, during the week ending on 20/04/2010 provided that working hours should not be less than one hour during that week, and the sick, regular or other temporary leave should not be counted in the absence days.

Trainee getting a salary: The person (15 years or older) who joins any of the training institutes, whether morning or evening study, and gets a salary during the training period




2. Institution which provides data


Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA)

(http://www.qsa.gov.qa/eng/index.htm for website in English; http://www.qsa.gov.qa/Ar/index.htm for website in Arabic)


3. Data availability


None of Qatar censuses or other sources have ever disclosed figures of total population broken down by country of citizenship or even by nationality (Qatari/non-Qatari).

For 2010 data have been collected but remain withheld. The census only provides detailed data on population 15 years and above by nationality.

Released parts of census are available on the website of the QSA, in published form in PDF format.


Census 2010′ website:


2010′ census in Excel or PDF format individual tables:



Date of access: June 2013.