Bahrain: Regarding the regularization of residence conditions for applicants

Title Bahrain: Regarding the regularization of residence conditions for applicants
Date of conclusion 01/12/2022
Entry into force Following the date of its issuance.
Text version(s) Arabic
Source Interior Ministry, Ministerial Decision No. 178 of 2022: Bahrain (01 Dec 2022)
Accessed: 09 Jun 2023.
Keywords Bahrain; Laws & Regulations; Policy; Labour

This decision states that residence permits for flexible workers sponsored by an employer will be revoked three months after implementation. However, they can rectify their situation by obtaining approved permits from the Labor Market Regulatory Authority to engage in a professional activity. In order to obtain the permit, individuals must pay the required fees for extending expired residency and any delay fees for previous years. The fee amounts are specified in the fee schedule of the General Administration of Nationality, Passports, and Residence. Exemption from fees prior to a specific date is possible if the permit applicant meets the permit’s conditions and controls and has no reservations about their continued stay in the country.