Bahrain: Order No. 4 of 2006 With Regard to Obliging Employers of the Private Sector to Transfer Salaries of Their Workers to Banks





Bahrain: Order No. 4 of 2006 With Regard to Obliging Employers of the Private Sector to Transfer Salaries of Their Workers to Banks



Date of adoption


12 March 2006

Entry into force


13 March 2006

Text versions




–  Official Journal Issue No. 2731 (12 March 2006), p. 79, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 06 April 2017,





In accordance with Art. 1 of this order, the employer shall undertake to transfer the salaries of his workers regularly to the branches of recognized banks that they may specify.

The Minister of Labour shall take steps to implement this regulation, which shall come into effect the day after it is published in the Official Journal (Art. 2).