Bahrain: Law No. 15 of 2017 Ratifying the Agreement for the Transfer of Convicted Persons Between the Governments of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of India





Bahrain: Law No. 15 of 2017 Ratifying the Agreement for the Transfer of Convicted Persons Between the Governments of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of India



Date of adoption


10 May 2017

Entry into force


18 May 2017

Text versions




–  Official Journal Issue No. 3314 (18 May 2017), pp. 133 – 146, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 25 Jun 2017,






This law ratifies the attached agreement, which was signed between the Governments of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of India in Manama on 33rd January 2016 (Art. 1).

In accordance with Art. 2 of the agreement, any person convicted within the territory of either of the two contracting parties may be transferred to the territory of the other party to serve his sentence. To that end, the convicted person may express his desire to be transferred in accordance with this agreement – in writing – to the country in which he was convicted or the country of implementation of the conviction. Any convicted person who is a citizen of the contracting parties or anyone authorized to act on his behalf, may submit an application for transfer in accordance with the law of the contracting party and in the manner determined by its government.

Art. 4 lists the conditions under which the transfer may take place which include (but are not limited to):

1.     The convicted person holding the nationality of the implementing party.

2.     The sentence is not a death sentence

3.     The judgment is final

4.     The agreement of both parties to the transfer