Bahrain: Decision No. 79 of 2009 Regarding the Procedures for Transfer of a Foreign Worker to Another Employer





Bahrain: Decision No. 79 of 2009 Regarding the Procedures for Transfer of a Foreign Worker to Another Employer

Date of adoption


16 April 2009

Entry into force


 30 July 2009

Text versions




Official Journal Issue No. 2893 (30 April 2009), pp. 92 – 94, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 01 September 2014,



Keywords: Bahrain, Laws & Regulations, Labour Migration, Sponsorship

Without prejudice to paragraph (b) of article 25 of Law No. 19 of 2006, a foreign worker has the right to transfer employment to a new employer without the approval of the original employer taking into consideration the rights of the latter as stipulated in the law or the work contract (Art. 2).

Should the worker wish to transfer employment before the end or cancellation of the work permit, he must notify the employer through registered mail in accordance with the conditions set in the employment contract, which may not exceed three months prior to the transfer (Art. 3).

In accordance with Art. 7, a worker who wishes to transfer after the expiry or cancellation of his work permit by the employer, must notify the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) 30 days prior to expiry or within 5 working days of the cancellation. The notification may be done electronically and the worker shall be granted 30 days to transfer. During this period, he may not work.

The worker shall not have the right to transfer in any of the cases listed in paragraph (b) of article 25 of Law No. 19 of 2006 (Art. 8).