Bahrain: Decision No. 40 of 2014 Regarding The Requirements and Specifications for Workers’ Accommodations






Bahrain: Decision No. 40 of 2014 Regarding The Requirements and Specifications for Workers’ Accommodations



Date of adoption


23 December 2014

Entry into force


01 January 2015

Text versions



– Official Journal Issue No. 3190 (01 January 2015), pp. 25 – 27, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 21 October 2017,




This decision sets the requirements and specifications for workers’ accommodations, which must be adhered to by employers who provide accommodation for their workers in remote areas or any other areas (Art. 1).

The employer shall notify the Ministry of Labour of the location, address, and size of the accommodation as well as the number of workers accommodated there and their nationalities within 15 days of their accommodation (Art. 2).

Art. 3 sets the conditions and specifications that shall be met by employers for each accommodation.

Art. 4 lists the equipment that must be provided by the employer for every accommodation.

Art. 5 sets the specifications that must be met for every kitchen.

Art. 6 specifies the requirements and specifications for bathrooms.

The employer shall provide a dining area, whether independent or common, for each accommodation that is suitable for the number of workers residing in it (Art. 7).

In accordance with Art. 8, the employer is required to perform regular maintenance and emergency repair operations to ensure that the accommodation meets the required specifications stipulated in this decision, including repairs to the electrical wiring and boxes using techniques which comply with safety standards.

Employers who have provided their employees with accommodation prior to the issuance of this decision shall bring it in compliance with the specifications set herewith within three months of the decision coming into force (Art. 9).

This decision repeals Decision No. 8 of 1978 Regarding the Requirements and Health Specifications for Workers’ Accommodations as amended by Decision No. 9 of 2006 (Art. 10).