Bahrain: Decision No. 4 of 2014 Regulating the Permits of Domestic Workers and Similar Positions



Decision No. 4 of 2014 Regulating the Permits of Domestic Workers and Similar Positions


 Date of adoption


16 April 2014
 Entry into force


25 April 2014
 Text versions Arabic



Official Journal Issue No. 3153 (24 April 2014), pp. 9 -13, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 26 June 2014,




Keywords: Bahrain, Laws & Regulations, Domestic WorkersArt. 2 defines the term domestic workers which encompasses gardeners, security guards, nannies, drivers, and chefs.

Art. 3 lists the conditions that must be met for obtaining a work permit for a domestic worker:

  1. A Bahraini employer or his family must reside in the Kingdom. The non-Bahraini employer’s application is decided upon at the discretion of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA).
  2. Proof of income
  3. Payment of relevant fees to the LMRA
  4. Verifying that the employer has never violated the rights of a domestic worker or abused him or her.
  5. The existence of a proven need for a domestic worker, taking into consideration the family’s income, size, health and size of their home.
  6. The employer should not have any prior convictions for abusing a worker.
  7. Verifying that neither the worker nor the employer has ever violated the essential commitments under the law and implementing regulations.
  8. The worker must be physically fit and clear from any infectious diseases.
  9. The worker should not have been previously deported for criminals reasons or violating the law or any of its implementing regulations.

Art. 7 lists the commitments of the employer and Art. 8 lists the commitments of the domestic worker.

In accordance with Art. 9, the work permit shall be cancelled within 5 days upon the request of the employer or upon receiving a notification from him of the departure of the worker in violation of the conditions of the work permit.

The validity of the domestic worker’s work permit shall be for two years from the date of arrival, which may be renewed for a similar period of time.