Bahrain: Decision No. 4 of 2013 Amending Certain Provision of Decision No. 76 of 2008 Regarding the Regulation of Work Permits for Foreign Workers Excluding the Category of Domestic Workers





Bahrain: Decision No. 4 of 2013 Amending Certain Provision of Decision No. 76 of 2008 Regarding the Regulation of Work Permits for Foreign Workers Excluding the Category of Domestic Workers



Date of adoption


31 July 2013

Entry into force


16 August 2013

Text versions



Official Journal Issue No. 3117 (15 August 2013), pp. 38 – 39, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 01 September 2014,




Keywords: Bahrain, Laws & Regulations, Labour Market, Duration Stay

The decision replaces the texts of articles 10 and 13 (b) of Decision No. 76 of 2008 regarding the regulation of work permits for foreign workers excluding the category of domestic workers.

In accordance with Art. 1, the new text of article 10 stipulates that the validity of the work permit shall be for two years from the foreign worker’s arrival in the Kingdom or the payment of its fee. Upon the request of the employer, the work permit may be valid for one year only with payment of half of the stipulated fee. The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) may authorize the renewal of the work permit for six months only with payment of a quarter of the stipulated fee, upon the request of the employer. In all cases, the work permit may be renewed upon the request of the employer several times as long as this is done within 180 days prior to the work permit’s expiry.

The new text of article 13 (b) relates to the LMRA’s cancellation of the work permit. In such a case, the LMRA is required to notify the employer of its intention to cancel the work permit and the reasons for it. It must also grant the employer two days to object to the decision.