Bahrain: Decision No. 25 of 2013 Specifying Naturally Intermittent Jobs in which a Worker May Be Required to Spend More than Eleven Hours Each Day at the Workplace



Bahrain: Decision No. 25 of 2013 Specifying Naturally Intermittent Jobs in which a Worker May Be Required to Spend More than Eleven Hours Each Day at the Workplace


 Date of adoption


26 May 2013
 Entry into force


14 June 2013
 Text versions Arabic



Official Journal Issue No. 3108 (13 June 2013), p. 18, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 10 November 2014,




Art. 1 of this decision lists the jobs in which a worker may be required to work for more than eleven hours per day (maximum of twelve), including a rest period. These include transportation of passenger or good via roads, railroads, internal waterways or air including working at airports; working in wholesale of vegetables, fruits and fish; and working in pharmacies among others.