Bahrain: Decision No. 17 of 2017 Regarding Professional Activities which a Foreign Employer May Not Undertake Without Obtaining a Permit from the Labour Market Regulatory Authority





Bahrain: Decision No. 17 of 2017 Regarding Professional Activities which a Foreign Employer May Not Undertake Without Obtaining a Permit from the Labour Market Regulatory Authority



Date of adoption



15 May 2017



Entry into force


18 May 2017

Text versions



–   Official Journal Issue No. 3314 (18 May 2017), p. 187, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 25 June 2017,




Art. 1 of this decision lists in a table two activities for which a foreign employer may request a permit to undertake as well as the profession associated with each activity. The provisions of Decision No. 2 of 2014 Regulating the Issuance of Permits for a Foreign Employer’s Practice of Professional Activities shall be applicable:


No. Professional Activities Profession
1 Economic Activity Flexible Hospitality Worker
2 Economic Activity Flexible Worker