Bahrain: Decision No. 12 of 1977Specifying and Regulating the Necessary Precautions for the Protection of Workers Engaged in Construction, Civil Engineering and Ship Building Work





Bahrain: Decision No. 12 of 1977Specifying and Regulating the Necessary Precautions for the Protection of Workers Engaged in Construction, Civil Engineering and Ship Building Work



Date of adoption


08 August 1977

Entry into force


25 November 1977

Text versions



–  Official Journal Issue No. 1242 (25August 1977), pp. 5 – 18, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 23April 2015,





This decision sets the specifications for safely conducting work in the areas of construction, civil engineering and the building of ships.

In accordance with Art. 22, if a worker is to be transported to and from work using water transportation then the proper safety procedures must be implemented to ensure his safety. Ships used for that purpose must be well made, functioning properly, run by professionals and must not be overloaded.

Art. 27 prohibits requiring workers to lift, transport or move a heavy weight which could result in an injury.

Employers shall commit to providing workers with safety helmets, boots and other protective gear to prevent injury and workers shall commit to using them (Art. 32).